
Is Your Business Ready to Get Digital?

Ready or not, every business is now being forced to use online solutions to manage its operations. The sooner businesses embrace digital transformation, the sooner they can reap its many rewards. Because if you’re not visible online, you can be sure that your competitor is.

In order to stay relevant in today’s competitive environment, businesses must prioritise digital transformation. They should be thinking about things like automated customer self-service, as well as online access. Digital marketing, in particular, can help businesses to streamline their online presence, allowing customers to use their products and services without leaving the house.

What we’ve learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is that every business needs a plan B. When your physical office or store is off limits, how will you continue to run your business? The answer is online, and many businesses with a strong digital presence have actually profited from the impact of the coronavirus. Digital optimisation is no longer just a competitive advantage. It’ has now become a matter of survival.

If you’re a business owner who was completely unprepared for the pandemic, now is the time to act. With the right contingency plans in place, you can protect your business in the face of adversity.

As we slowly adapt to the new normal, we need to rethink our current strategies. Running a virtual business is no easy feat, but for many, it’s the only way to survive. Here’s how to revamp your digital presence so that your business can continue to thrive no matter what the circumstances.

Step #1: Review your strategy

First, you must review your overall strategy and business objectives. Go back to the very beginning, and rethink your “why”. The impact of the pandemic has driven massive social and economic change, so you might need to change your direction to reflect the new normal. Here are some questions worth reconsidering.

  • How can your business evolve to meet these new expectations and provide greater value for your target audiences?
  • How can you be more relatable to your target audience?
  • What areas need to be automated, connected and more personalised?
  • What is the new role digital needs to play in your sales and marketing efforts?
  • How will digital and offline work together seamlessly?  
  • What markets are you currently targeting?
  • What are your top competitors doing that creates a threat or opportunity for your business?
  • What marketing efforts are doing well and which ones are not?

By re-evaluating your business in this way, you’ll gather rich insights that will inform the appropriate action.

Step #2: Review your marketing channels

Because the impact of COVID-19 has been so enormous, you must also review your current marketing channels to ensure they are still worthwhile and relevant. This will allow you to identify key areas of improvement. Here are some common examples:


The website is the nucleus where all of the most important online activity occurs. It’s your digital storefront, and is often the first point of contact a new customer will have with your business. Therefore, your website is not something you can afford to skimp on. Examine yours, and see what you can do to take it to the next level. Some innovations to consider are 3D design, voice user interface and mobile optimisation.


Most businesses cite email as their number one source of ROI. Do your promotional emails convert? Check out our blog on common email marketing mistakes for more information.

Logo and colours

Does your logo represent your business? Perhaps it’s time for a makeover.

Social media

For information about your business, many consumers will search for your social channels before your website. Is your business active on the right channels? Is your content up-to-date and relevant? A strong presence on social media can skyrocket your brand’s visibility.

Step #3: Implement your changes

Once you’ve identified your weak spots, it’s time to take action. Split your objectives into short-term and long-term, and prioritise them according to urgency. While some fixes will require more resources, others are surprisingly simple. As long as you are evolving with the times, you are in a much stronger market position.

Final thoughts

Every business should aim to be proactive. However, the reality is that most businesses cannot prepare for every eventuality. The next best thing is to respond to change, and put appropriate measures in place for the future.

To survive in the era of digital transformation, businesses must embrace the online environment. Of course, this is easier said than done for many businesses, who may not know where to begin. Digital transformation is no longer just about technology. It is necessary journey, allowing your business to operate virtually. With a digital presence, businesses can be much more agile, and respond to change rapidly. Technology creates lean operations, and gives people time to complete more complex, strategic tasks.

In these uncertain times, technology is essential in maintaining a connection with your customers. Going digital allows you to stay in touch with them via website, emails and social media. Answer queries, provide business updates and post meaningful content to keep your business in the mind of consumers.

Think about your customers first, and then adapt your business digitally so that you can provide value anytime and anywhere. Digitalisation is inevitable, and by burying your head in the sand, you are only limiting your business’s potential. If you don’t know where to start when it comes to digital transformation, talk to the experts at www.elephantintheboardroom.com.au. We will work with you to develop a results-driven digital strategy to help your business evolve with the times.






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