
9 Tips for a Spring Marketing Campaign that Blossoms

With the days getting longer and warmer, winter is finally coming to an end and Spring has officially sprung! With the change in season - it is also a good time for a marketing reset. Now is the time to be on the lookout for new marketing strategies and ways to generate more business. Think outside the box, what would your customers want to see? Is your website ready for the influx of traffic that may be heading your way this Spring? From planting the seeds through storytelling to revisiting your business goals, refreshing your marketing strategy can grow your brand. Your competitors have already started looking at new ideas and strategies - so make sure you don’t fall behind. Here are our top tips for a spring marketing campaign that will be sure to make your brand bloom!

  1. Go through your website content.

A lot can be asked about the content in your website, and giving it a closer look, you might find some issues that negate its performance. Is the content and everything else within your website still up to date? Are some blogs written here still relevant or outdated?

Do a full content audit on your website to resolve some issues and improve the ones that work already. Update the content if it needs some updating or delete it if it is no longer relevant. This comprehensive inventory will help your website be in line with what’s new for the spring season.

  1. Check your email lists.

Make sure all your email contacts are up to date. You can improve its effectiveness by going through your email subscriber list through manual or list scrub service means. That way, you can ensure your email marketing clients are provided with relevant marketing information about your business.

  1. Examine your efforts on social media.

If your current social media platform is not doing anything right for your campaign, there could be two sides to it. The platform might not be ideal for your campaign due to the meager number of generated audience, or your content shared within these platforms aren’t performing well.

Either way, it’s in your own due diligence to assess it and oversee what strategies work best for your campaign. Examine if you are putting in the efforts on the right social media platforms. Determine what content works and sells best to your audience. You must also take a look at the content policies of these platforms so your campaign strategies can follow suit.

  1. Update your About page.

Your About page is the so-called ‘welcome lounge’ to your page visitors, and therefore, it must make an immediate impact to them. It tells them what your business is and what it does. You can already tell that from there, it helps develop a sense of trust for your company or business.

And, just like your website content, it must be thoroughly updated and must meet the overall impression for the page viewers. Relevant statistics, company information, and other information contained here might be off the beat and need updating already.

  1. Monitor your reputation online.

Do you know how your customers view you and your company or business?

This is where online reviews play a huge role in shaping up your reputation before them. These reviews about your company or the products and services you offer can often make or break your business. So, it is important to keep an eye on it this spring!

  1. Review your branding.

Your company’s branding is basically the cloth that it wears and displays to the public. For you to establish a unique yet well-known branding, you must see to it that your logos, brand colours, statements, and other elements are in line with it. Everything they see about your company must pair well with the brand you want your company to be associated with,

  1. Test your site speed.

Website speed is crucial to catching the interest of your audience towards your business. Even a very slight delay on page loading can cost you a lot, from losing your prospective audience to getting downgraded in Google rankings. Know more on the importance of a fast-loading website here.

READ: Five reasons why people visit your website.

  1. Make sure you are targeting the correct keywords.

Revisit the target keywords list that you had when you last updated your website. Does it still bring in most users to your website via search engines? If not, it’s time to do some renewal. A keyword audit backed up by reliable, comprehensive keyword research will enable you to curate keywords that carry huge search volumes across multiple search engines.

  1. Consider updating your photography.

Stock photos, stock photos, until you got stuck in stock photos. Sound familiar?

In the long run, these photos lose their impact.

So, for a change, find new and interesting photos that can carry the branding of your company and at the same time, give it a fresh new look. It is preferred to hire photographers that can tell stories of your company through their impactful authentic photography. That, we think, is way better and more unique than going for stock photos which your competitors’ pages could be utilising too.

Spring has arrived, but is your marketing campaign ready to take on this new season of opportunity? We hope it is, and through the tips we’ve shared, we hope for a fruitful spring marketing campaign ahead or you.

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