
Outrank Your Competitor on Google

Even with all of the technological advancement in digital marketing, the Google algorithm remains a mystery to many. It’s a secret formula that companies all over the world strive to understand. Google’s rules and regulations are ever-changing, making it difficult to keep up from an SEO perspective. In fact, Google releases around 500 – 600 algorithm updates every year. However, there are certain known strategies that businesses can practice to boost their name in the search results.

Some of those strategies include tactics on how to outrank your competitor on Google. Of course, this is easier said than done. Achieving a high ranking is tricky enough, so beating the competition isn’t exactly straightforward. While it takes tremendous effort and expertise, its payoff is enormous. If you’re looking to do so, we have just the right tips for you.

We’ve created a short but sweet infographic with valuable guidelines that will give you an edge over your competitor. It’s divided into 2 parts – organic SEO and pay-per-click techniques.

Infographic SEO tips to outrank your competitor on google

The Google search results page is a fiercely competitive environment. You certainly don’t want to lag behind, so you need to play the game if you want to get noticed. To outrank your competitor on Google is no walk in the park. But with the right tactics and focus, it can be done.

Need help standing out on Google? We’re one click away – visit our website www.elephantintheboardroom.com.au and get a free digital check-up.


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