
How Much Does Website Development Cost In Australia?

So, you’re ready to take your business online. That’s fantastic! But you’re probably wondering, "How much will this cost me?" Let’s talk about website development cost in Australia.

It's a common question, and the answer can sometimes be complicated. The cost of building a website can vary wildly depending on what you need. From a simple online brochure to a complex e-commerce platform, the price tag can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands.

In this blog, we'll break down the factors that influence website development cost and give you a better idea of what to expect. Let’s dive in!

What’s Inside?

General Website Development Cost

General Website Development Cost in Australia

Web development makes your business promising, but it's not free. Several agencies set different web development costs for different website projects. 

Here's a breakdown of potential web development cost in Australia. 

  • Simple website: $1,000 - $6,000
  • Standard company website: $2,000 - $10,000
  • eCommerce website: $8,500 - $20,000+
  • Complex web application: $10,000+

Remember, these are just estimates. The actual cost can be higher or lower depending on your specific requirements.

Factors Affecting Website Development Cost

Web development cost in Australia can vary significantly based on several key factors, mostly industry-based reasons. Understanding these elements will help you budget effectively and make informed decisions on future web development ventures.

Website Project Complexity

  • Type of Website: A simple informational site is generally less expensive than an e-commerce platform or a complex web application with multiple functionalities.
  • Number of Pages: More pages require additional design, development, and content creation time, increasing costs.
  • Features and Functionality: Advanced features like online booking, payment gateways, user dashboards, and content management systems can significantly impact prices.

Design and User Experience (UX)

  • Design Complexity: Custom designs and intricate layouts are typically more expensive than using pre-designed templates.
  • User Experience (UX): Focus on user-centric design and usability can increase costs but often leads to higher ROI.


  • Content Creation: Writing, photography, and videography can add to the overall budget.
  • Content Management System (CMS): Using a CMS like WordPress can streamline content management but may require additional development for custom features.

Development Team and Location

  • Developer Experience: Experienced developers command higher rates.
  • Team Size: Larger development teams often mean higher costs.
  • Location: Development costs can vary between metropolitan and regional areas.

Project Scope and Timeline

  • Project Size: Larger projects naturally require more time and resources.
  • Timeline: Tight deadlines may necessitate additional resources, increasing costs.

Additional Costs

  • Domain Name and Hosting: Ongoing costs after website launch
  • SSL Certificate: Essential for secure online transactions
  • SEO and Digital Marketing: These services can significantly impact the overall budget.
  • Maintenance and Updates: Regular website upkeep is necessary.
  • Third-party Integrations: Connecting to external services can add complexity and cost.

The Website Development Process and Its Impact on Costs

Understanding the typical stages of web development can provide valuable insights into how costs are incurred, and how to prevent even costlier consequences. 

Planning and Discovery

This phase is crucial for outlining the project scope and identifying potential web development cost implications.  

  • Defining project goals, target audience, and website functionality 
  • Creating sitemaps and wireframes   
  • Conducting market research


This stage involves graphic design, interaction design, and often user testing. Design complexity directly impacts web development cost.

  • Creating the visual aesthetic of the website  
  • Developing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)


This phase is the most labour-intensive and accounts for a significant portion of the overall cost.

  • Building the website's structure and functionality
  • Coding the website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and potentially other programming languages to make it a more responsive design
  • Integrating eCommerce, CMS, or other platforms

Content Creation

This can be handled in-house or outsourced and can significantly contribute to project costs.

  • Developing text, images, and other content


While often overlooked, testing is crucial for quality assurance and can prevent costly issues later.

  • Ensuring the website functions correctly across different browsers and devices   
  • Identifying and fixing bugs
  • Testing website performance and security

Launch and Deployment

  • Making the website live    
  • Configuring domain name and hosting
  • Deploying the website to the server

Maintenance and Updates

  • Ongoing updates
  • Security patches
  • Performance optimisation

How Process Impacts Cost

  • Scope Creep: Unforeseen additions to the project scope during development can significantly increase costs and timelines.
  • Design Iterations: Multiple design revisions can extend the project and increase costs.
  • Development Complexity: The complexity of features and integrations directly impacts development time and cost.
  • Content Creation: The volume and quality of content required can influence costs.
  • Testing and Debugging: Issues found during testing can lead to additional development time and costs.

Cost Considerations

  • Developer Experience: Experienced developers are often more expensive but they can deliver higher-quality work and potentially save time.
  • Technology Stack: The choice of technologies can affect web development cost and ongoing maintenance.
  • Outsourcing vs. In-House: Outsourcing can offer cost savings but may require additional project management.
  • Project Management: Effective project management can help control costs by preventing delays and scope creep

How Website Size Affects Website Development Cost

Website size is a significant factor influencing web development cost in Australia. A larger website typically equates to higher costs, but it's important to note that this isn't always a direct correlation. 

Factors to Consider

  • Number of Pages: More pages generally mean more design, development, and content creation time, increasing web development cost.   
  • Content Complexity: The type of content (text, images, videos) and its volume impact development time.
  • Functionality: A website with numerous interactive elements, such as online stores, user accounts, or complex forms, will require more development time and expertise.
  • Design Complexity: A larger website often demands more intricate design elements, which can increase costs.

Website Size And Corresponding Costs

Small Websites (5-10 pages)

Small websites typically have lower development costs due to their simplicity. They often use templates and require less customisation.

Medium-Sized Websites (10-50 pages)

Medium-sized websites require more planning and development, but costs are generally manageable. They often involve custom web design elements and basic functionalities.

Large Websites (50+ pages)

Meanwhile, large websites demand significant resources, including multiple developers, designers, and content creators. Costs can escalate due to the complexity and time required.

Enterprise-Level Websites

These are complex platforms with numerous features and integrations, which most large-scale businesses fall at. Development costs are substantial and often require ongoing maintenance. 

Factors affecting website development cost in Australia

Cost-Effective Website Development With Elephant!

Figuring out web development cost feels like trying to solve a complex equation. However, you can make informed decisions about your website project by understanding the key factors that influence the price tag.

Remember, while web development costs are important, investing in a website that aligns with your business goals and delivers results is equally crucial. A well-crafted website is an investment in your brand's future.

Ready to turn your website vision into reality? Elephant in the Boardroom can help. Our team of experienced web designers and developers can create a stunning and effective website tailored to your specific needs. Let's chat about your project and get started!

Contact us now to get the exclusive web development services and let’s transform your website and business!


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