
How to Keep Your Business Alive in Lockdown

Business as usual seems a distant memory these days. Under the current lockdown restrictions, we are operating in an uncharted territory and everyone is doing their best to figure things out as they go.

Have you checked your business’ lifeboat count lately? What’s your plan B? In these turbulent times, companies must develop an emergency strategy to keep themselves afloat.

It’s not all bad. The pandemic would have hit businesses much harder had it struck 20 years ago. Thanks to the digital marketplace, the show can still go on in some industries. Though your business model may look different, you just might be able to make it work. If you’re still offering services, make it known by putting the word out there. Now is the time to invest in marketing to keep your company fresh in the mind of the consumer. Some industries are thriving more than ever, so let’s try to make the best of a bad situation.

Here are some expert tips to keep your head above water during lockdown.

1. Generate leads and potential customers

Take the lead and charge ahead

Running a business in lockdown is no cake walk. But as many businesses are finding different avenues for survival, this downtime could be the perfect opportunity for yours to build a new network of customers and get ahead of the pack.

Social media platforms have seen a massive influx of traffic in recent weeks. As consumers spend more time scrolling, your business should be focusing on content that generates leads. Monitor the performance of your posts closely, and change your angle if needs be.

Emerge from quarantine with a reserve of promising leads. Do everything you can to build your customer base in the time being, so that you have a large pool of prospective buyers to rely on when things return to normal.

2. Strategise according to the present situation

Differentiate, don’t just imitate

Re-evaluate your current marketing strategy. COVID-19 has transformed the way we consume, and this shift should be reflected in the content you put out. While some businesses are sticking to their usual angle, differentiate yours by staying relevant. The world as we know it has changed, and so must your tactics.

Remember not to push the boundaries too much. We’re in the midst of a global crisis, and although it’s great to spread positivity, be mindful. Focus on campaigns that give comfort to people during these trying times. Position yourself as an empathetic and compassionate brand first and foremost.

Archive whatever posts you had scheduled. You can save them for when the world starts to heal. Now is the time to get creative and make your brand stand out from the crowd.

3. Retain your existing customers

Out with the new, in with the old

Many customers are loyal to their favourite brands. This means they are unlikely to shop elsewhere, regardless of any changes in the environment. Invest in these people heavily. It’s much easier to retain your existing customers than to win new ones, so this is how you should spend most of your time and resources.

Additionally, the situation calls for value over profit. To nurture your customer relationships during lockdown, engage with them often. Follow the consumer, and reply to their queries and reviews. It’s important that they feel valued and appreciated during this time.

Optimise your online presence by incorporating text, email, website and social media into your digital strategy. Now is the time to connect with your customers.

4. Consider using chat software

Thou shalt work from home

Working from home can have its perks. No lengthy commutes, impractical office attire or expensive lunches. But as a business owner, you must still ensure yours is operating efficiently. With no face-to-face contact, phone communication alone may not be enough to keep things running smoothly.

Hold regular meetings with your staff using video chat software like Skype or Microsoft Teams. While nothing compares to meeting in person, this is the next best thing. Take advantage of technological solutions wherever possible during lockdown.

5. Optimise your website for SEO

When there’s a downtime, there’s more time

When it comes to digital marketing, your website is the nucleus where all the most important activity takes place. Review yours and see if there’s any room for improvement. There are lots of simple ways to drive traffic and boost conversions. Here are a few places to start:

  • Refresh old content
  • Optimise calls-to-action
  • Enhance keywords
  • Add internal links to new products or services
  • Make sure all information is up to date
  • Check for spelling or grammar mistakes

Continuously updated websites rank better on Google, yet they are few and far between. Use this lockdown to get around to the jobs you’ve been putting off.

6. Increase your social media engagement

There’s no traffic on the roads, but social media is bumper-to-bumper

Take advantage of the fact that people are spending more time at home. Use this golden opportunity to grow your following on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even TikTok. Keep an eye on trends and challenges and see if your brand can get involved. Post relevant and timely content to put yourself on the map. These circumstances are once in a lifetime, so capitalise however you can.

How will these lockdown strategies benefit your business in the long term?

  • Being proactive means that while your competitors are still contemplating their next move, you’re ahead of the curve.
  • You can learn more about your customer base – their pain points, buying behaviours, and triggers. These insights will allow you to create content that converts.
  • By using this time to generate leads, you can build a base of potential customers for when things subside.
  • If people know you’re open for business, they can rely on you for their consumption needs and you can continue to generate a profit.
  • Most importantly, you’re setting yourself up for success when the impact of the pandemic begins to ease. You won’t need to start from scratch as you’ve already positioned your business as a key player in your industry.

Final thoughts

Keeping your business alive during lockdown will require creativity and outside-the-box thinking. Marketing has a key role to play here. Keep your customers informed and interested by leveraging your online presence.

If digital marketing isn’t your strong suit, don’t hesitate to seek help from professionals like us. Here at Elephant, we understand that managing your business during a crisis is challenging enough. With the right marketing strategies in place, you can benefit from the situation in many ways and come out the other side stronger than ever.

You have enough on your plate. Let us ease your load and implement a marketing strategy to help your business survive and thrive throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

Get in touch today at www.elephantintheboardroom.com.au. Remember, we are all in this together.


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