
How Drupal Keeps Up with the Web Development Trends of 2021

The internet can be fast, when stable of course, and web development can be just as fast and can change the entire web landscape in a blink. That’s why, it is important for you to keep up to date and always be aware of the improvements and innovations introduced to web design before your competitors get ahead of you.

One aspect of web development that has constantly kept up with these rapid, often unpredictable changes is Drupal, a content management system that aids in website building and enables web makers to create high-quality websites for any purpose.

If your business needs a well-oiled website that can take your business to the next level, Drupal must be your choice. Find out more here: Why Businesses Are Choosing Drupal 8 Over WordPress & Joomla.

Drupal 8’s relevant upgrades and innovations in Web Development 

Drupal 8’s recent upgrades have answered the call of the community's requirements and aspirations. It has introduced a layout builder that works for drag and drop management as well as a media library for storing enormous amounts of media. All these innovations are aimed at improving and providing an engaging and attractive user interface (UI).

As the update moved on to Drupal 8.8, a lot more upgrades were added to the core. The workspaces module, once introduced in trial form in the previous versions, is now an official function included there. It allows you to work on multiple workspaces, get it reviewed and deployed in one go. Native composer support is now on deck on this Drupal version, whereas previous models had to rely on third party preferences just to use one.

Drupal 9’s relevant upgrades and innovations in Web Development

The recent updates of Drupal 9.0 and 9.1 are also focused on making upgrading easier for its native users of the software.

Not only that, the upcoming Drupal 10 will also introduce users to more upgrades that will enable users to incorporate better ideas and bug resolution before it finally goes out. Some more updates included in Drupal 10 are automated software updates which take away the hassle of doing regular updating of software components manually, an improved “out of the box” feature and introduction of JavaScript components.


Now, why and how does Drupal stay ahead of the current web developments? Especially in this day and age when websites and online services are much more needed than ever.


  1. Drupal works seamlessly with AI and ML, as well as JavaScript frameworks.

Drupal can work its way without any bounds for both artificial intelligence and machine learning. To make it easy for users, it has provided several modules that show how to integrate AI or ML within a website powered by Drupal.

Due to immense popularity in usage of JavaScript frameworks in websites, Drupal took notice and has given it a lot of emphasis in terms of its decoupled architecture. Its open source community has worked a lot with various web services implementations like GraphQL, JSON:API, and REST, enabling execution of headless architectures efficiently. All these are perfect for anybody to utilise a wide range of JavaScript frameworks for frontend and and build a decoupled architecture from Drupal.


  1. Drupal works efficiently on mobile.

Accessing websites via mobile has been more prevalent these past few years, and for these websites to achieve the milestone of onboarding more users through mobile phones and similar devices, it has to be compatible on those devices.

Thankfully, Drupal knows that all too well, and it has excelled in terms of mobile compatibility. It has come with a mobile initiative which targets a mobile first development and multiple device friendliness for website access. To add on to this, it also introduced the Accelerated Mobile Page module which can be referred to if someone wants to increase UX of a website through making it optimised for mobile use.

The Progressive Web Apps is yet another mobile usage innovation by Drupal, with the objective of making browsing as convenient and as engaging as it should be for users, no matter what devices they are using. It is also very handy with development of native mobile applications. By leveraging Drupal as your content store and Flutter as your UI toolkit, you can now build engaging and usable applications native for mobile devices.


  1. Drupal is partnering with emerging technologies.

If you’re thinking Drupal is only website-oriented, this section might make you reconsider that thought.

The Drupal community has also explored the huge possibilities of virtual reality, augmented reality, and the internet of things. Chatbots for customer services, as well as AR and VR-assisted technologies will benefit mainly from the Drupal-enabled system. For example, grocery shopping can be made more streamlined through customers consulting chatbots for products they want to buy while browsing for it at home. On the store, AR or VR-powered cameras can track the product and provide necessary information on its contents as well as potential risks. All of these are done for customer’s convenience and experience.

Innovation can come in fast and you might miss out. So, if you’re looking to be ahead of the trend, make sure to be with the ones that put themselves in a better position for the future. Thankfully, Drupal has established itself as one of the best riders and drivers of the current state-of-the-art technological advancements, so, putting yourself on board with it should be a no-doubter.

And, speaking of turning your website gaming around, why not get onboard with the best web design and Drupal development agency in Melbourne - Elephant in the Boardroom? Our results-driven, future-oriented web solutions have consistently delivered the best results for our website design and Drupal website development clients. Let us help you create a Drupal-powered website of the future through contacting us at www.elephantintheboardroom.com.au.

Dance your website to the Drupal-driven digital pulse now with Elephant in the Boardroom!





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