
10 eCommerce Trends to Watch out for in 2022

eCommerce saw a dramatic boom last year. In 2023, ecommerce sales are expected to account for 20.8% of retail sales worldwide. And, two years later, it will compose more than ⅕ (22%) of the world’s total retail sales. There is no longer a reason to not get on board with eCommerce! 

Brace yourselves for the eCommerce trends of this year, shared right here and now!

  1. Attracting one-time buyers.

More often than not, your business comes across customers that avail of your products or services once and do not return for further transactions. These are one-time buyers. And, a challenge you must be up to for next year is to retain them.

Through retargeting, or customising ad campaigns based on customer behaviours, you can achieve this. Learn more about how it’s done right here.

  1. Online selling is only getting bigger.

The eCommerce trend isn’t going anywhere but up. As the pandemic restricted movement and gave rise to online transactions, it is most likely to retain the success it is having right now in the future.

So, using the successful strategies your business had pre-pandemic is one way to encourage customers to make purchases, such as holiday deals, or loyalty points.

  1. Customised packaging.

If you think your product packaging won’t make any impact, think again.

Customers commonly associate packaging with the store’s brand and ideals. They also get more excited if they receive their products in unique packaging.

In order to make the most of it, consider packaging durability, esthetics, and even making it environmentally-friendly.

  1. Rise of mobile shopping.

Mobile shopping is yet another unstoppable trend that will soon take over the eCommerce industry. And getting yourself onboard first, puts you in a prime position for immense growth.

Sales from mobile commerce are expected to increase by 15% by year end, and the more glaring stat is that 73% of all eCommerce sales will come from mobile purchases.

One tip: don’t count out mobile shopping next year.

  1. Multichannel personalisation.

Personalisation has been a key towards better user experience in eCommerce sites. Integrating it with multichannel selling will result in even better outcomes. If you can give them the options they desire for purchasing, they will most likely come back and even recommend your business to their peers.

  1. Upgraded payment processing.

Some customers are already a click away from successfully buying your product online, but something held them back, leaving the product in the cart. What is that?

Maybe, your store’s checkout process is the culprit.

Putting simple checkout processes in place together with easy payment options puts your  customers one step closer to finalising the purchase.

  1. Voice shopping is taking centre stage.

Yes, you can now shop with your voice, it’s simple yet revolutionary, right?

With the number of so-called ‘voice shoppers’ increasing by 55% by 2022, getting ahead of the game is vital. It can be one way for shoppers to properly describe the product in case they forgot its brand name. If you are a business owner, take note of this one and strategise right away.

  1. Green consumerism needs to be highlighted.

As more and more shoppers become enlightened with environmental concerns and issues, so should your business. This sends a clear message to the businesses that they must follow the same environmental practices they observe or else, they won’t shop in their stores. Comply by acquiring raw materials from eco-friendly sources.

  1. Social media enters online shopping.

This seems to be not new, but as Facebook and Instagram paved the way to introducing online shopping within their apps through Marketplace, expect this trend to make huge waves next year.

This will solidify the status of social media as a platform where you can also search and buy products online. If you’re starting to link up your pages to the marketplace, you’re doing a great job preparing for this trend.

  1. Increased presence of AI in commerce

Businesses are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline buying processes for their eCommerce stores. One innovation under it is the rise of chatbots. And, to top that up, more and more processes can now be made easier thru AI, such as customer service, sales, and marketing. This promising technology is something you shouldn’t miss.

Strengthen your ecommerce strategies by checking this out: eCommerce Strategies to Stay Relevant.

Need some assistance with your eCommerce strategies? We can help! Contact our expert team at Elephant in the Boardroom today for a free consultation and stay relevant.


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