
Best LinkedIn Marketing Tips for 2023

Is LinkedIn marketing a part of your social media strategy? 

As LinkedIn’s popularity continues to soar, so does the importance of creating effective, engaging and trendy content. Since being present on the platform allows you to reach a wider audience, more specifically, 922.3 million targeted users, it's essential to stay ahead of the curve and position yourself among some of the industry’s big movers. 

This blog post will discuss tips for creating successful LinkedIn marketing in 2023.

1. Use keywords for increased visibility. 

Keywords are your lifeline in LinkedIn marketing. To achieve increased visibility through keywords, optimise your LinkedIn page to include the most industry-relevant words and phrases to describe your brand, products, services, and offers to further increase your chances of being visible to the relevant audience. 

These are crucial steps especially if you're a jobseeker looking for opportunities or a business looking for more exposure. 

Use LinkedIn analytics in order to select the right keywords for your post. It can track your current keywords' performance and generate more efficient ones to strengthen your account's presence and identify areas of improvement.

Additionally, features like Linkedin Live and LinkedIn News help your content stay industry-relevant and meet the needs of your target audience.

2. Use hooks to capture your audience's attention.

To stand out on LinkedIn, you need to publish quality and competitive content . And one way to achieve this is through hooks. 

Hooks are essentially short, punchy phrases strategically placed throughout your profile to make it more engaging. Using hooks helps you draw in potential customers, connections or employers. People interact more with short, compelling content that resonates with them rather than lengthy articles.

Using hooks in your LinkedIn marketing will boost your engagement rates. Consistency is key, so make sure to share your hooks and interact with your audience regularly. Keep track of which hooks perform best and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Are you struggling for content inspo? AI tools like ChatGPT can link you to new content inspirations for your LinkedIn profile! 

3. Schedule your LinkedIn content. 

Your connections see and react to your published post within the first 30 to 60 minutes. Within that time frame, Linkedin will determine whether or not it merits to be exposed to a wider audience which would maximise your content and visibility so carefully planning and scheduling these are vital. 

Linkedin’s post scheduling allows you to properly strategize your weekly content and publish accordingly. 

Prepare a list of topics that will resonate with your audience. For example, 'week starters' that offer valid advice on how to commence your week are great when scheduled on Mondays. Additionally, you can keep track of upcoming holidays or special events and release relevant content. 

1 to 3 posts a week with a minimum interval of 18 hours between each post is the recommended rate. A suitable time to publish is between 8:00 am – 12:00 pm on Mondays-Thursdays, and afternoons on Fridays and weekends. 

4. Use visual content for LinkedIn.

Intensify your LinkedIn marketing with great visuals. Visual content such as images and videos can raise your chances of fostering click-throughs and converting visitors into customers by 87%. Text accompanied by pictures can add up to 1.7x in content reach, and videos have 1.5x reach power. 

Adding visual content to your publications is another strategic way to achieve this. For example, adding infographics containing vibrant elements can enhance your content while remaining informative. Images and videos fit well with inspirational posts to catch users' attention and spark emotions.

5. Add hashtags to your posts and profile. 

Successful LinkedIn marketing goes beyond drafting well-written content. For the post to reach a wider audience you'll need to take advantage of one of the most important but less talked about tools—hashtags.

While it does not impact the content reach as powerfully as keywords, it still aids in boosting exposure and engagement for profiles.

They act as effective labels that can bring in more views, clicks, and connections with people following the specific hashtags used in your posts. 

Industry experts recommend using around 2-6 hashtags under your post. 

Some more valuable LinkedIn marketing tips to remember: 

  • Engaging with users in the comment section within the first hour can increase growth by 20% 
  • Don’t mention more than 15 accounts in your post. 
  • Don’t edit your post within the first 10 minutes after you publish it. 
  • Include a Call to Action or a Question
  • Be consistent in publishing content. 

Ready to slay your LinkedIn marketing? 

Create a powerful LinkedIn presence by crafting engaging posts and content. This will help you grab the attention of your target audience and generate quality leads.

Need industry-leading strategies to strengthen your social media presence? 

Elephant in the Boardroom is here for you! Our years of expertise in connecting brands to their clients through social media can help you accomplish your business goals. 

The first step towards success lies right here



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