
7 Quick Ways to Boost Your Website Traffic

If you are a business owner, you understand the power of an online presence and website traffic. 

According to Hootsuite & We are Socials “Digital in 2018 Report nearly 90% of Aussies are now online and spending almost six hours a day browsing websites and surfing social media.  

You might recognise that you need to:

  • have a website and online presence to be found by people searching online.
  • ensure your online presence is found and appears in front of these users.
  • keep this audience engaged, interested and compel them to stay on your website.

Easy? Easier said than done! If you want to explore how you can capture this audience and boost your website traffic, here are seven quick ways to boost your website traffic.

write witty news headlines to boost website traffic

1.    Write Spectacular and Striking Website Headlines

People are attracted to witty headlines. Make sure that your contents headlines piques your audience’s curiosity and interest. Stunning headlines capture interest and accordingly drives traffic to your website. But of course, don’t stop there. Subsequent to all great headlines, crisp and appropriate content must flow.

be active on social media

2.    Get Socially Active

Get socially active, offline and online. Your online presence matters as much as your offline presence. While you might be attracted to locking yourself up in your room and having all those social media platforms for promoting your website and talking to people online, you should also get some fresh air and converse with real people. Pick the main social media platforms your know your target audience is on. Whether its Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Snapchat or Instagram, then focus on promoting your website there. Reach is important, but being everywhere online, just for the sake of it, might lessens your focus and impact. Quality before quantity.  

3.    Be Graphically Consistent

We are now in a world where video, photographs and quality infographics “pull the people”. We click through to visit websites because of eye catching graphics that catch our attention. Appropriate photographs or infographics not only help your audience understand your content better, but it will help you with your website SEO.

Always be graphically consistent. Choose your filters wisely. Select images and videos that align with your branding and contrast or compliment your website design or theme. Then stick with it.

post high quality graphics videos and images

4.    Guest Blogging

As socially active as you are, you should also reach out to other bloggers and influencers. It is as simple as writing them a personal email stating your intent to guest blog and articulating the value you could offer through writing something that will help their website grow as well as yours. It’s a win-win situation. You help them with your ideas and content and they help you with getting more website traffic. Just make sure you only reach out to websites that are relevant and align with your brand.

5.    Repurpose Content

Do you have a few pieces of content that went viral or al least had high engagement and reached a lot of people? Great! Don’t leave it collecting dust in your archive. Revamp and repurpose that content and promote it through your social media. Maybe you have something new you can add? New statistics, industry trends that will enhance the post and better align it with what is happening today. Whether it is an “oldie but a goldie”, or a post you can look at with fresh eye to polish to shine, you can share it again. You never know who missed the post or didn’t need the post in the past, who might need that post today.

6.    Involve Your Audience

At first, we write to educate, inform or tell a story. The next step is getting people to read this content. The best way to build engagement with your brand, is to start conversations on posts other than your own. Asking questions, responding to comments and replying to Stories are some of the few ways you can engage more with your audience. Tag brand advocates in your posts and ask questions that encourage them to start conversations.

start email marketing

7. Boost Website Traffic with Email Marketing 

Encourage customers to sign up to a weekly, fortnightly or monthly email. Grow your email database through a website pop up or social media landing page. Drive sign ups by giving something away, or by offering a discount, or a free e-book. Email marketing is a great way to keep your current customers up to date. It helps turn potential customers in to brand advocates and then repeat purchasers. Send emails that aren’t content heavy. Showcase beautiful imagery, witty headlines, and add hyperlinks to drive traffic back to your website.

We hope that this post helps you decide on your strategy to increase traffic to your website. Experiment and see what works for you and your website.

Need help with a strategy to drive traffic to your website? Visit our Elephant in the Boardroom office at 555 Bourke Street, Melbourne today. 

Alternatively for a complimentary digital health check call us on: +61 418 967 352 or email [email protected].


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