
6 Tips for Flawless Website UX

What does a flawless website UX really mean? When we think of website design, we usually jump to the aesthetics: the style guide, colours, font family, images, shapes and animation. But website design and redesign is much more than just the visual elements.

Let’s explore our 6 Tips for Flawless Website UX to help tweak the way you work. Find out how to deliver better usability and user experience outcomes.

1/ Simplicity. Less is More.

Most website visitors don’t care about tech terms and don’t have time to read a thesis. Keep your content short, sharp and simple, but accurate. Don’t use jargon. Think “How can I make it easy for a user to find the information they are looking for?’.

For colours, less is always more. The 60-30-10 rule suggests that three colours should be used in varying degrees (60%, 30%, 10%) to create the perfect harmony. You can definitely go more than three, but we wouldn’t suggest that you go more than four-five.

When considering font families and sizes - stick to a maximum of two-three. One for the majority of the site content with a second for headers. Just make sure that no matter what you select, that the font is easy to read. Don’t clutter your website, white space is ok!

2/ Plan for Success

I always hope for the best, but plan for the worst. As they say “Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail”.

Our job is not to follow the path we have created, it’s to follow the path our users want to take. So when planning your website design consider your user journey and consider the desired outcomes:

  • What is this or does this do? (usefulness)
  • How do I use it? (usability & easy navigation)
  • Why should I care? (desirability)

3/ User Connection is Key

So how to connect with your visitors? First of all, try to avoid using a passive voice. Instead of saying “Please wait, your order is being processed.” or “Your message has been submitted. Thank you.” , you can rephrase the sentence to make it sound more “human”:
“One moment, we are preparing your order.” or “We have received your message, thank you for taking the time to contact us!”. Use “emotive” graphics that create a connection to your brand. Use effective call to actions [CTA’s] to compel your visitors to take action. “Learn More” or “Discover” or “Contact our Expert Team”.

4/ Test. Test. And test again. Conduct a thorough UX Audit.

In business, we wear many hats and have back to back projects. It’s easy to get bogged down with “run with it”, communicating the results and then starting again. 

To see how your visitor are truly engaging with your site, you must complete thorough post deployment testing and gather customer data through heat maps, surveys and recordings. This data will help you give your audience what they’re looking for and improve your site’s conversion. A/B testing of conversion pages can help you refine your customer journey and improve outcomes.

5/ Responsive Design for Flawless Website UX

In 2018 nearly 60% of online searches were on mobiles devices. There is nothing more frustrating than visiting a website on your mobile or ipad only to discover the functionality is limited or the design is poor. So ensure your website is mobile friendly and responsive on as many devices and browsers as possible.

6/ Always be Learning to Stay ahead of your Competitors

Whether your website is driving new leads or maintaining existing relationships, it’s important to keep your portfolio updated with your best work and case studies. Take some time each week to read up on the latest developments in UX, buy text books from leading UX influences and consider pod casts, webinars or leading UX design courses. Keep an eye on your competitors. Always be learning.

Don’t design in the dark!

Contact Elephant in the Boardroom to find out how we can help you utilize UX to design a beautiful, fast, lead generating website.

Visit us: 555 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Call us: P: (03) 7018 7620 or M: +61418967352

Email: [email protected]


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