
3 Effective Ways to Find Your LinkedIn Target Audience

Finding your LinkedIn target audience is like finding a needle in a haystack. 

LinkedIn has established itself as the world’s leading business networking platform. You can use this valuable social platform to connect with potential customers or clients, whether you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner. 

In this article, we will discuss several effective methods of locating your LinkedIn target audience. 

What is a Target Audience?

A target audience is a subset of consumers that a company hopes to reach through their advertising activities. The goal is to target a group of people who share your ideal consumer's education, goals, interests, and problems. Once you have identified your target audience it is much easier to perform keyword research and look for opportunities that not only drive traffic but drive revenue.

Knowing that your target audience reads a particular publication or watches a particular show means that your advertisements will be seen by fewer people, but by the right people. Target audiences can be further subdivided into intent, location, interests, and other factors. You can better understand who you are trying to connect with if you understand some of your target audience’s motivations.

Effective Ways to Find Your LinkedIn Target Audience

Here are several ways to find your target audience and get in touch with the right people:

1. Get to know your LinkedIn target audience

Finding out who your audience is critical and requires you to pay close attention. Users can be divided into groups based on their age, location, race, personality traits, interests, and so on. Once you have this information, you can modify your approach to meet the needs of your most important clients.

Identifying and understanding the problems of your audiences allows you to divide them into groups and come up with solutions to their problems. Search terms are the most common ways for marketers to determine who their target audience is. Session recorders are the most effective way to observe how visitors interact with your landing page or website design - you can see which pages they visit frequently and which they do not. A market contains more than one product group, and it is critical to understand where your company fits in the market segmentation and to narrow it even further to find your LinkedIn target audience.

2. Revamp your profile

Did you know that you can find your LinkedIn target audiences with just a few profile tweaks?

Yes, you read that correctly! Simply update your profile, use relevant keywords, and maintain consistency with your creative, industry-related content, and you’re ready to go. However, here are some pointers to consider:

  • Bio and profile descriptions
  • Include a background image that represents your work
  • Clear and creative headline
  • Create a custom URL

LinkedIn banner

This allows you to tell a story rather than just trying to sell your service. If you do this correctly, people will want to contact you. It is the ideal location for potential clients to learn about you. And they should be clear, creative, and up-to-date, not just on LinkedIn but also on social media platforms, to ensure consistency. 

3. Join groups on LinkedIn that are related to your industry

Birds with the same feather, flock together, – as they say, and we can totally agree.

That’s why you should take advantage of LinkedIn Groups: you will almost certainly find your LinkedIn target audience there.

LinkedIn Groups are gathering places for professionals in the same industry to share content, find answers and network. Having an active LinkedIn Group as a business will help you connect with your customers. Participating within Groups can significantly boost your brand’s name and online reputation. LinkedIn Groups can help you learn more about your target audience as well. Sharing relevant content is another way to increase the number of visitors and prospects to your website.

Users that are members of a LinkedIn Group relevant to your business are valuable as they are potential leads for your company. Although, there are some best practises to remember as a Group moderator.

  • Be sure to use your logo as the group photo, as users are more likely to check out your page.
  • Don’t be afraid to enforce group rules.
  • Create a welcoming discussion for new members to jump in and participate. 


If you are considering using LinkedIn to grow and nurture your business, you’re right to take your time and plan ahead. Investing in relationships is the key to developing a network of users that fit into your target audience. 

If you are having trouble finding your LinkedIn target audience or need help with your LinkedIn campaign, just give Team Elephant a call for a quick consultation.



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